Every one says its easy to quit smoking but is it? Here are four tips to help you start today. It actually is a fact that fewer adults in the united states are smoking today. There has been a significant decrease since 2003. The board of public health hopes to have 12 more percent of smokers to stop by 2010. Smokers is a big problem it causes 30 percent of all cancer death each year.It also causes more than 80 percent of lung cancer deaths each year as well. The board of public health says there is no easy way to quit and i think so as well but here are some vital tips you will need to begin the process. The first thing you should do is write down why you want to quit smoking. For example you could say you finally decided and realized its not good for you or too even be around. Then plan to make yourself a reward after you reach your goal of quiting. For example go on a big vacation with all the money you use to spend on buying packs of cigarettes each day. Then once you decided your reward then set the day you should quit. Then the last but i think the most important thing is make sure you don't quit alone. If you have a friend that smokes do it with him. It is a proven fact that it is more likely for you to quit smoking as long as you have someone else with you pushing you and helping you along the way. These tasks are hard to meet but its a lot easier to do something with a friend.
Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER).
CJ great topic and great advice. I have many people in my life that are smokers and tell them to quit all the time. But I do not think that it is all that easy. I once heard that gram for gram nicotine is as addicting as heroin..crazy! I think that not only is the addiction part hard but it is the habit part that is hard for people. They get in the car have a cigarette, have one with their coffee etc. It is a total life change. Great advice for those who are trying!
i agree this is a good topic. Lots of my friends smoke and are trying to quit. I also know many people that did suceed and tell me how much better they feel because of it. It will be a hard and long process but i think many more americans are going to stop smoking.
These are some good tips for quitting. There is also a pill you can take now to quit smoking. You can still smoke wile you're taking it but it is supposed to make you feel sick when you smoke. My boss at work took this pill and quit smoking within a week. I am not sure how safe this is or what the side effects are but it is another alternative to quit smoking.
this is good stuff. obviously it is very hard to quit smoking and it's great when people do. what sucks is it's also something to do when you're bored! atleast thats what my father said. he quit but then started one day because he had nothing else to do!
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