The human body needs multivitamins every day to be healthy. A lot of kids and even some adults do not get the proper vitamins daily to be consider healthy. There are 13 vitamins that you need and some foods that actually have so you can be healthy. The 13 essential vitamins are A, C, D, E, K, B12, and the 7 B-complex vitamins. Stores such as GNC and Vitamin shoppe sell a multivitamin pill and if you take it daily, it should meet all the requirements. By not getting the proper vitamins you could become actually very ill or even die. Now it may not be necessary for you too take a multivitamin if your already eating a variety of foods. The most important benefit of taking a multivitamin is to prevent deficiency.
I am an athlete and since I usually don't get in the proper nutrition daily because i am a college kid I take a multivitamin. I currently take Mega Men sport which is a dietary supplement. Its a premium performance multivitamin for active men. I take this with a meal and I take 2 tablets daily. I also take another type of multivitamin which is called From the earth Green

Reference: http://magazine.stack.com/TheIssue/Article/5776/Best_Multivitamins.aspx
This was a very interesting blog. I didn't know you could really die from not getting enough vitamins. I personally take Flintstones vitamins still because the adult ones are too strong. I am curious if they help adults the same way they help children. Great job.
Yes, I'm also taking multivitamins… it's an indespensable part of my daily routine.
I take a multivitamin every day myself just to help my body out. I should maybe look into something like that Green Phyters that you said. Sometimes I get caught up and can't get enough vegetables in my diet. Good info.
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